Jernbanefærgerne "Lillebælt" og "Fredericia"

af Niels Munch, 20/7 2023, 22:15 (428 dage siden) @ H.B.Eriksen

kan du fortælle hvornår, det blev obligatorisk med røde og grønne lanterner, på flere af billederne ses der lanterne kasser på vingehusene ??.

"The first known regulation for navigation lights that ships had to comply with dates from 1838. The United States passed an act that required steamboats, running between sunset and sunrise, to carry one or more signal lights. Although the color, location, and the matter of visibility were not specified.

The United Kingdom followed suit in 1846. In 1848, the admiralty of England specified that steam vessels had to display red and green sidelights, a white masthead light while underway, and single white light at anchor."

Det var starten, der førte videre til:

"..... the 'Washington Conference Rules' in 1890 which became internationally effective in 1897.
In 1914, after the infamous Titanic disaster, the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) was formed."

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