forum arkiv 2010-2022

Forespørgsel om Holland Scandinavia Express (Generelt)

af R.C. de Visser @, The Netherlands, 17/3 2012, 14:38 (4641 dage siden) @ Steff

I am very pleased with the timetable as well.

I am trying to recreate a major activity concerning at al tracks along this route.
Payware and Freeware. The part brom Bremen to Osnabruck is ready. I am now busy with the reverse ride from Osnabruck to Bremen.

I have now create a Activity wich is working at German Railroads "Rollbahn Dampf (1963)" with the original coaches for so far the coaches are downloadable.

I now manage to create the act at the Dutch part of the Route.
I remember these trains passing by when I was along the railroadtrack near Rotterdam.

Because these trains didn't came to Rotterdam Central Station but they had a stop at
Schiedam Rotterdam West. This was because of the route. Near the Zoo there is a juction coming from Utrecht. Most trains coming from Utrecht geois Left there to reach Rotterdam Central Station. All International Trains to England via Hoek van Holland Goes to the right and merged directly on the old line Rotterdam - Den Haag - Amsterdam up to Schiedam Rotterdam West. After Schiedam Rotterdam West there is an other junction to Den Haag / Amsterdam and to Hoek van Holland. All International Trains with an connection to England has to stop there because otherwise they have to switch direction at Rotterdam Central Station causes a lot of shunting and time.

At the other side of that junction near the zoo there was a recreational park containing small recreation houses with a tiny garden next to it and we had a relative who owns one of those tiny houses near the railroadtrack and we often stay there.

We had untill the last D-Train in the '90s severall of these trains passing Schiedam Rotterdam West and all major D-Trains made a stop there like. Cologna Express, The Nord-West Express with sleepercoaches to Moscow, Warshaw and Berlin in the time that the CCCP existed. We had the Rheingold with the famous colors of the Rheingold. Later on ordinary DB coaches came on this route. The Holland Scandinavia Express whit a mix of coaches from all counties involved in this route.

ALl trains contains the famous CIWL diningcars and sometimes the sleepercars.

I remember the major crash in 1984 with a collision between the Nord-West Express and a local train. I have seen the wrecage of that accident and the track to Den Haag - Amsterdam was completely blocked. The Locomotive series 1200 was hauling the Nord-West Express and was completely derailed and the 1st car of the Local train was standing right up and rested on the 1200.

Most of the mentioned trains contains the coaches type "Bolkoppen" Plan D and K (downloadabe from and these coaches where very nice to travel with.
The compartemens where furnished with layers of fine wood and the seats could be setas a small bed.

Together with the DB coaches Abumz en Bbumz (regulair coaches of DB) the trains looks marvelous.

So this is the reason why I investigate the history of these trains to recreate these trains as an activity to drive the whole route as far as possible.

I will post later on the exact constatance of the trains on this site (actually at some sites form the countries where these trains has ran) together with the activities so everybody can drive them within the original timeshedule.


Ronald de Visser
The Netherlands

:-P :-) ;-)

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