forum arkiv 2010-2022

Forespørgsel om Holland Scandinavia Express (Generelt)

af Steff, 15/3 2012, 11:45 (4643 dage siden) @ Tommy Nilsson

Mr. R.C. de Visser

I don´t poses the Danish State Railway ”Togplan 5 and 6” for your help. Maybe other readers can help you out in this matter here. But in your own language you will find:
“Internationale naamtreinen in Niederland 1950-1965”, written by Mr. Otto Dijkstra author of the Dutch “Rail Magazine”. You will find the article in No. 288. This will give you a very god background in the matter of international trains to and from the Netherlands.
If you can be more specific later on I maybe can help you in the matter of the CIWL cars used in the different expresses. But if the question is more specific about the CIWL cars belonging to the Dutch Division of the CIWL, Mr. Otto Dijkstra is again the right person to ask.

Best regards


Steffen Dresler

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