Connecting Europe Express sets off on 26-country tour (Jernbanen i dag)
Railway Gazette International 2. september 2021:
"Connecting Europe Express sets off on 26-country tour
EUROPE: The Connecting Europe Express organised to celebrate the European Year of Rail set off from Lisboa Oriente station on September 2, marking the start of a five-week journey through 26 countries which will include more than 100 stops before reaching Paris on October 7.
Separate rolling stock will be used on the three gauges involved.
The 1 435 mm standard gauge train will include a conference coach provided by France’s SNCF, two seating coaches from Germany’s DB and Swiss Federal Railways, a dining car from Italy’s FS, and a sleeping car from Austrian Federal Railways. A coach supplied by Hungary’s MÁV will host a mobile exhibition organised by the European Climate, Infrastructure & Environment Executive Agency and the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking to showcase rail innovations and EU support for infrastructure projects.
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