Vectron godkendelsespakke til D-A-S-N-DK (Jernbanen i dag)
Railcolor informerer om at en Vectron nu kan køre med denne godkendelsespakke:
A not-so-new country specific package for Siemens’ Vectron [editx2]
Written by Railcolor Headquarters on 19.07.2021 in Siemens, Siemens Vectron
On 15.07.2021 we published the news that Siemens 193 768 was seen with a new country specific package: DE-AT-DK-SE-NO. The machine was seen that day on its way in Weimar and Jüdendorf (DE).
Thanks to Wolfgang Scheer we now have to correct this information, as he sent in several images of the machine in Wegberg-Wildenrath. In May 768 was part of the test train with DSB 3212, and back then it was already a “B14” machine with DE-AT-DK-SE-NO in its UIC raster:
Det var nok/årsagen til at DSB EB 3212 kunne ses i Tyskland ultimo maj 2021?