Historiskt Foto Jylland

af Eisenbahnspinner, 4/2 2025, 10:34 (8 timer, 14 minutter siden)

A friendly Hello to all railway enthusiasts.

I am a new member (from gerrmany) in this very interesting forum.
I Understand a little bit danish, but it is not sufficient for writing in danish, but your answers are wolcome in danish.

In the 1970s I was in Denmark several times.
I took some pictures from bypassing trains, and now I have got some problems to find out the places the pictures were taken.
So I ask everybody knowing danish railway stations, to find out the place of the enclosed picture.

Thank you very much for your responses.

The picture was taken 1973 in august while going by train from Århus H to Padborg, showing rangiertraktor 129.


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