Greetings from a foreign student

af tk09z, 25/10 2020, 02:37 (1539 dage siden)

Hi. I am a student currently studying at the Bartlett School of Architecture in London. I choose my project site at the Godbanden in Aarhus, where I did my internship last year. I was trying to collect some data from the past to create a dynamic structure for my project. I would like to ask if there is any possibility to get a scanned timetable for the Aarhus godsbanegården in the last century. I will be analyzing a trading time pattern from the Viking era to the 20th century at this very area to develop my project. I have tried to search on those resources from but I couldn't find any related files. Also, if there is any chance to know the common stations connected to the Aarhus godsbanegården, that would help my project to be more comprehensive.

As a complete railway newbie, I hope I am not asking too many dumb questions. These files could mean a lot.

Thank you in advance and I am willing to wait for your reply.


Århus Godsbanegård 1963, film, gensyn

af Claus E. Hansen, 25/10 2020, 15:08 (1538 dage siden) @ tk09z
redigeret af Claus E. Hansen, 25/10 2020, 15:49

For a start, here is an old movie in the year 1963, showing the use of "Århus Godsbanegård";


Århus Godsbanegård 1963, film, gensyn

af tk09z, 25/10 2020, 17:12 (1538 dage siden) @ Claus E. Hansen

Thank you very much!!! I believe it has much inspiring information for my project. I will try to translate and understand it as much as possible.

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