Ny forening/selskab for CIWL vogn venner

af Steffen Dresler, 27/11 2018, 12:16 (2288 dage siden)

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Med venlig hilsen
Steffen Dresler


– the information source on Wagons-Lits past, present and future

By way of introduction, we wish to introduce ourselves as a source of information on all matters Wagons-Lits both for editorial reasons and for comment on developments in the world of night trains.
For the last decade the Nene Valley Railway’s off-shoot the International Railway Preservation Society (IRPS) has gathered a group of people engaged in preserving and running former Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits restaurant cars and equally important adding sleeping cars to some national museum collections, often at considerable expense. As well as the UK’s National Railway Museum, former CIWL cars are now permanent exhibits in France, Spain, The Netherlands, Portugal, Denmark, Hungary, Poland and Russia. Several of these countries also have preserved CIWL cars operating on lines owned and operated by enthusiasts, and other countries including Switzerland, Austria and Greece allow cars to run on main lines. There is also interest in the CIWL’s former operations in Romania together with its current national and international night train services. Likewise the Ukraine’s railway offers much to interest sleeping car enthusiasts. Also of note are projects in Germany, Hungary and in the Czech Republic for returning at least six teak-bodied cars, built over a century ago, to acceptable running condition.
This public enthusiasm in seeing and travelling in the old cars which were always a hallmark of luxury and wealth, can be partly attributed to the thirty plus years of the Venice Simplon Orient Express operational success and the Spanish Al-Andalus Express and French railway’s Pullman Orient Express.
The Nene Valley Railway (NVR) has been the home of a sleeping car and a restaurant car since the 1970s. Following a number of developments and the future direction of the railway’s focus, a new society will be launched to be named Amis des Wagons-Lits and will be separate from the NVR and will include more participation from CIWL enthusiasts in several European countries as an editorial board expanding both the scope of coverage and the detailed local knowledge which will benefit researchers and those with the task of restoration of these iconic railway coaches.
The attached brochure for Amis des Wagons-Lits sets out the aims and aspirations as we go forward. We have already provided editorial and photographic support in Spain and Croatia, and some advisory help relating to exhibitions and potential for further preservation.
In this period before the launch of Amis des Wagons-Lits, we are contacting the railway media throughout Europe to spread the word about this development and likewise we aim to contact all the owners of former CIWL cars. Today, we believe the total is about 360 Wagons-Lits, wagon restaurants, Pullmans and fourgons – the classic international luggage and mail cars of the between-the-war years.
We hope you feel this information is of value to your readership, both those whose interest covers Europe’s railways past and present, but also those who may wish to find out more about Amis des Wagons-Lits.
The following contacts will provide further details in due course and can be contacted by e-mail:
Brendan Martin (btmartin@btinternet.com ) based in UK
Chris Elliott (christopher.elliott@club-internet.fr) based in France



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