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- Y-Tog i VLTJ banen
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Y-Tog i VLTJ banen
Af Niels Munch. 19/02-25, 08:30.

Y-Tog i VLTJ banen
Af BL97, England. 2/03-25, 23:14.

Firstly, sorry for the English, my Danish is very poor, though I can try if required.

Secondly, as I understand it the Y-Tog will run on the MjbaD network until late summer, does anyone know what month exactly? I'd like to plan a visit to DK to ride them if I have time - I still need to renew my passport etc and would rather not arrive there only to see I've missed out.  :)



Y-Tog i VLTJ banen
Af andersj, Aalborg. 3/03-25, 00:07.
It depends on when they get operational approval in Denmark. It should take 5 months after Siemens submit the application, which they will do when they have finalized the tests that couldn't be done in Germany. It also depends on when the fast charging infrastructure in Lemvig is build and ready for operation.

You could try to write Midtjyske Jernbaner an e-mail and ask if they can guarantee operation with Y-Tog until a specific date. June and July would probably be safe, but I would not bet on catching an Y-Tog in August.


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