På Siemens' hjemmeside står det følgende presentasjon om Smartron:
"This blue machine is the "Smartron". It is a highly standardised version of the Vectron platform locomotive, specially configured for freight transport in Germany.
Siemens wants to make it easy for its customers, various German rail freight operators. The Smartron is preconfigured for freight traffic in Germany, being optimised for 'cost-efficient operation with high operational safety'. There is only one version, one price, which makes a simple buying process possible.
The Smartron is a normal gauge Vectron with 5.6 MW power output ('medium power') and a top speed of 140 km/h. It weighs around 83 metric tonnes. It functions under 15 kV AC voltage systems and is equipped with the PZB/LZB train protection system."
Med all min velvilje er jeg ute av stand til å tolke dette annerledes enn at Smartron kun finnes i én utgave, nemlig for 15 kV 16 2/3 Hz, ikke for 25 kV 50 Hz.