Jean-Jacques Barbieux (Generelt)
På er jeg stødt på en person, som underskriver sig som J.J.P eller J.J.Barbieux.
Er der nogen, der ved, hvad/hvem vi har at gøre med her? Jeg vil gerne kontakte rettighedshaveren, idet der er et par interessante fotos i mellem. Jeg kan ikke finde nogen mailadresse på vedkommende.
I 2006 havde jeg en kort mailkorrespondance med Jean-Jacques Barbieux:
Here are a few other pictures :
1) Faergevogn at Gedser on June 26th 1961
2) FFJ - M 1210 at Aalborg - Sept. 2nd 1961, not as a preserved museum piece
but still active for public service?
3) Copenhagen - Inside the dépot during the sixties, I think in 1966.
4) The MY 1101 just taken in service, at Fredericia, ready to take the Nord
Express to Padborg/Flensburg, sometime in September 1954 but I did not note the exact day. The first car of the train is an old SNCF - Région Nord Copenhagen - Paris.
5) N 201 at Aarhus in 1958. This pîcture is not from me but from Alfred Luft
When I was student in Vienna (1959-1962), I had the opportunity to purchase
many excellent photos, mostly by A. Luft or by K. Pfeiffer. I have no idea
if these persons are still alive or who now has these collections. Maybe the
Bohmann Editions in Vienna.
By the way, what a pity that the Kong Frederik IX disappeared. It was a
great idea to keep a classical ferry as a museum but I can imagine it was
not such a success. Who is interested excepted a few fans as we are ? Not
enough people to maintain such an expensive boat without support from the
Jean-Jacques Barbieux
Jeg har siden skrevet flere gange til den pågældende mailadresse uden held. Skulle nogen finde JJB igen, vil jeg meget gerne informeres.