forum arkiv 2010-2022

Trasfesa Spanien vagnar 195x (Generelt)

af simao28, 15/10 2011, 14:21 (4878 dage siden)


I apologize for writing in english.
I am a Portuguese train enthusiast and I was looking for information regarding some Spanish ferry-boat wagons from "Transfesa" that transported fruit and other cargo from Spain to several countries all over Europe.

They were numbered in the Spanish Renfe pool although some had also German DB registration.
Their main characteristic was that they had wood panels and were painted blue.
They came in various configurations - standard, with end doors, with small brake compartment and with a big brake compartment (DB ones)...

I was looking for old pictures of them (195x to the 70ies maybe) and perhaps construction drawings of these wagons.

I send 2 pictures of them.

The b/w picture is a still from a Spanish movie:



Best regards,
Alberico Duarte

Trasfesa Spanien vagnar 195x

af Per Sorensen @, Elsinore (Helsingør), 15/10 2011, 20:48 (4878 dage siden) @ simao28

Hello Alberico Duarte,

thanks for sharing this fantastic movie with us.

Best Regards


Trasfesa Spanien vagnar 195x

af Woodi, 15/10 2011, 21:39 (4878 dage siden) @ simao28

Interesting movie and thank´s for sharing this. ;)


Trasfesa Spanien vagnar 195x - danske glimt

af Svend, 15/10 2011, 22:04 (4878 dage siden) @ simao28

Interessant film :-)

17:38 DA-vogn i Hamburg
20:37 - Optagelser fra Danmark og Sverige


Trasfesa Spanien vagnar 195x

af Claus E. Hansen, Silkeborg, 15/10 2011, 23:05 (4878 dage siden) @ simao28

A very interesting movie ;-)



Trasfesa Spanien vagnar 195x

af simao28, 17/10 2011, 13:29 (4876 dage siden) @ Niels Munch

Hello Niels

Yes I know that one already :)
I first tried to search the web for data and now am searching in forums :)


Trasfesa Spanien vagnar 195x

af gæst, 18/10 2011, 12:14 (4875 dage siden) @ simao28

hello simao

do you know anything about the faith

of the mz locomotives mz 1436 and mz 1442
sold to comsa in spain in 2005???

and about the mz locomotives
that renfe used??

greatings from denmark

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