forum arkiv 2010-2022

EUs plan for at booste jernbanen i Europa. (Generelt)

af Jens Hansen, 15/12 2021, 10:10 (1073 dage siden)

Fremlagt i dag;

Kan ikke se en dansk version, men indsatserne er;

To overcome the obstacles to long-distance and cross-border passenger rail services identified by the Commission, the Action Plan points the way to:

accelerating digitalisation;
removing redundant national technical and operational rules;
ensuring a better availability of trains, coaches and locomotives (rolling stock);
bringing railway staff training and certification in line with future needs;
modernising passenger rail infrastructure;
more efficient use of the rail network;
easier access to infrastructure for rail operators through appropriate pricing;
more user-friendlyticketing and access to the rail system;
introducing sustainable cross-border and/or multimodal collective transport through Public Service Obligations, where necessary;
making sustainable transport modes an attractive option for young people.

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  • EUs plan for at booste jernbanen i Europa. - Jens Hansen, 15/12 2021, 10:10 [*]

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